Hello World,

We forgot how to Live…

Human beings are very indecisive. We over-think, re-play events until that situation is over complicated and tangled in our minds. We have great ideas, we just keep adding instead of eliminating. Elimination doesn’t come to us easy. We live in a time of options and therefore we create additional problems to add to our idea/situation making t more complicated.

Why is that? Why do we put ourselves through this torture? Confusion/Complication! Why can’t we just take things slow and break things down? That seems quite simple, doesn’t it??? Well it’s not because one part of our brain is a rider (An analytical/controlled/rational side). While the other side of our brain is an elephant, (An emotional/automatic/irrational side) dreamer. The rider and the elephant work together and make our  thoughts complex. In the complexity we have a tough time reaching the result. For a result, the rider needs direction and the elephant needs motivation.

A balance in the rider side of the brain and the elephant side of the brain with clear direction and motivation can make our lives much simpler. Create a clear path, this helps us cut down noise, the extra things we don’t need to focus on.

We know the concept of time. We know that we live for a bit but then eventually we have to face our biggest fear, DEATH! Knowing that sucks! This automatically puts us on a time constraint. We take on too much in such little time frame. We want to achieve certain goals and live a certain life within our window. But if you take an animal for instance, a dog has no time constraints. A dog doesn’t have a concept of time like us. They don’t know that their time is limited. They don’t know when their birthday it is or what time it is right now this very moment. They know the things they are trained to do, taught and saw and emotions such as love. But they live for the moment! We forget to do that…live for the moment.

Don’t be a Clutter Box…

To adapt a clear simple path in our daily lives, we must break our tasks down the night before or early in the morning. The night before sleeping open your Task tracker app, Evernote, Wunderlist etc. or just simply open up a notebook and jot down the things that need to happen tomorrow. Jot everything down, even the tasks you wish to achieve. but most likely will clutter your schedule. Then organize them as priority. Out of all your tasks make sure you have 5 task that will get done the next day, as in your top priority. Make sure all tasks have a TIME on it; ex: I have work in the morning and will be done at 5:30 pm, then must go to the gym at 6:00 pm and get a 1 hour work-out; After that I need to start to work on my meal for the next day at 7:00 pm.  Don’t clutter your list and remember the process of elimination, organize in a  clear manner from high priority to low priority. If you focus o your short term goals for today then your path will get simpler. It doesn’t have to be a clutter.

Until next time,




















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