Your Current Mental Health in the Pandamic?

Hello World,

As we all have different views on our current situation on the pandamic, I wanted to learn about yours and of course, share mine as well. I wanted to know how you feel, are you suffering financially or mentally? How has it harmed you or how was it great for you? Check out my last post on Maslow’s hierarchy to see where you are at on the list.

As you all know 2020 was a hard year for me. I lost a loved one and the pandamic took place right after that. Prior to the pandamic, I use to work 9 – 5 downtown and my communte was 1 and half hours both ways. YES! That soulds horrible right? Well, it was terrible and I hated every bit of it.

The pandemic helped me cope, it gave me time back which, I never had. I had time to reflect and get better at my skills. I finally got time to take care on myself! I had time to work out and start a skin care routine. As you know I love working, 9 -5, traveling for work, took away time that I could have gave myself. It gave me time for self love and growth.

However, for many it was the worst. They lost their family members, their jobs, their careers, financially stability, mental health, you name it. I am good at expressing and letting things out and then getting up to get better. Many people struggle from looking past the negative which, in some cases is fair –if myfinancial stability went away, I would be at a low spot.

I came across a tiktok video and in the video the person was complaining about not being able to go to the gym. People are missing human interaction and dating and partying and the social aspect of life. I was always an introvert and more of a workaholic so it didn’t impact me as much.

So I want to know how you are coping? How do you feel about the current state of lockdown? Are you doing okay or all this mentally crippling you?

TWITTER: @dilypie
TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!

Financial Independence in 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Figure out how much money you are taking home and subtract the amount you are spending.
  2. Be sure to keep all that surplus money at work, by paying down high interest debt first and then investing the rest.
  3. Once the total value of all your investments reaches 25-30 times your annual spending, paid work is now entirely at your discretion. For life.”

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!

We are hitting Great Depression again…

Hello World,

Media always pursued us to buy more products when we do not need them. I was on Amazon and the current Canadian best sellers are Coffee, when it should be masks and all purpose cleaners.

When I am on TiKTok, I see a pattern of young “rich” people showing off their Gucci purses, Balenciaga shoes. That encourages our youth to make poor purchase decisions.

There is a digital #trend “I want it, I got it…” the video shows someone pointing out an expensive product such as a gucci purse or a belt. Then they show the people holding the item. This is great for digital presence for the person creating content and should be only taken as entertainment.

However, I am worried about people being encouraged by the trap of marketing at this time.

You all need to save money right now. Only spend on your essentials and save. You can look into your future investments that will return money. If prices fall in the house market, then do your research before you purchase.

Will you be able to rent the place out? If yes, then create that stream of income. Create different streams of income right now so you can survive through the recession that we are already in.

Invest in yourself. Learn a new skill! Look up new #hottopics. For example, we know now that health care and security/cybersecurity never goes out of fashion

Thank you,

Tiktok: Dlaofficial_


Purpose of Life is a Gimmick

Hello World,

What is the purpose of life?  This is such a heavy and depressive question once you dive deep into it.  The conclusion always ends up at no purpose in life, we are all ticking time bomb, victim of daily routine until the end of our time. Such a sad way of looking at the entire journey of life, but it’s the truth and made me depressed for a life.

I felt cheated!  I found out that there is actually no purpose of life, everything else presented was a gimmick.  There are no light on the other side of the tunnel and there is no magic or miracle waiting to happen.  I realized with that thought process in mind, I started performing poorly! Almost gave up on my goals and vision because, I did not know why I was working so hard or doing any of it.

Then I realized that it is all about perspective.  The way I was thinking about life and end was very negative.  My outlook was killing me faster than I want to die.  What I did was I focused too much on the ending versus my drive. The purpose of life is partially survival and mostly the journey to your end goal.  Purpose of life is always looked as some cosmic power or the solution to achieve the ultimate inevitable happiness or even immortality (what?).  There isn’t any cosmic power or discovery waiting to happen, referencing to many of bullshit articles!

Life is very simple, you are one out of 7.2 billion.  Dogs and cats are living things too, they don’t sit their and ponder their purpose of life.  To find the purpose we need to solve a problem.  My problem is given in the first paragraph, the idea that I am on a routine and then end will one day hit without any important accomplishments, which will be fulfilling to my soul.  Hence, the focus of life is setting certain goals and accomplishing it.  In other words, solving problems!

Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, you can’t go solve all the problems in the world or every conflict of your life.  Therefore, you need to pick 5 important (for now), which you can divert your focus towards.  The five goals have to be a breakdown of where you want to be in life.  These five goals should include, personal goals, career goals, health goals, and one goal towards a cause you believe in where you help the world.  Hence, you are creating purpose for survival.  All of your goals will come together and work towards your well-being, mental piece, and fulfillment.

Always remember, you need to do everything in moderation, you need to take risks and you need discover yourself by putting yourself in difficult situations. Last, but not least you need to learn and keep learning for self-improvement and growth and share what you have acquired to the world in order for fulfillment and purpose.

I work hard every day towards my goals.  I learn something new every day.  I have found my peace in what the important things I focus on that brings me happiness.

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Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie

Build more Opportunities by Empowering

Hello World,

I have been on my networking routine for the past month. I have to tell you, it’s great! You get to meet different people with different perspectives. Also, hear stories that have built that perception. It’s amazing learning through people’s failures and how their resiliency and persistency has led them to success. The stories empower you and help you gain motivation and as well as perspective to tackle difficult situations.

What did I learn from an external standpoint? These people who share are storytellers. They are engaging with their moving stories and they give their audience something to take back, empowerment and motivation. I met quite a bunch but the most engaging storytellers were the ones I remember the most.

I realized to network, you have to present yourself as approachable. That means, depending on the setting of the environment, put on a helpful vibe and always keep your smile on. Then try to approach as many people as you can with a conversation ready. You have to know how to hold and deliver the story and have an open informal conversation with the other person. It’s not a pitch but a conversation!

Then the 101 rule of networking, you need to be someone of interest for the others to want to get in contact or keep in touch with you. So the question to ask here is, what are you offering?! In most cases, when it comes to storytellers, the answer is engagement and empowerment. They are offering you motivation. Take all the life coaches/public speakers, the reason you want to be in their presence is because you know they are successful and you also know they have a unique perception that got them to their success. But after hearing their empowering speech you build their network and keep on searching, or waiting for their next content.

But how do they leverage by giving you free life lessons? The engagement actually transpires into a lead. You are building their network which can convert into client opportunity or resource. Therefore, to network you need to make your pitch more engaging. This engagement should offer the listener something, could be a service, or simply motivation. It’s a give and take process, people like to take from others.

Empowerment forms a coalition and that’s required in moving forward…

Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie

What I Wear – Instagram Tags

Hello World,

Have you ever visited my Instagram page @dlaofficial_? What is your favorite #OOTD from my page for the holidays?

Green Christmas! Wanted to be Santa’s special Elf in this really pretty Deep Neck Velvet dress paired with Mauve color Sock heels and Gold Infiniti Choker.


My night out for a classy gala. Everything about this outfit is classy. Backless, Halter top, deep neck paired with black palazzo. Along with statement earrings and high heels. As you may now know, heels are favorite part of my wardrobe.


Last but not least, my boss vibe post! My statement skirt with floral hand work paired with a white deep neck, bell sleeves, white top. And of course my favorite pair of white high heel peep toes.

If you would like more details on the make up or where I got my outfits from, please feel free to contact me and follow my instagram @dlaofficial_.

Love always,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie



When my Relationship wasn’t going well…

Hello World,

How do you evaluate your relationships? Are they supposed to just work out smooth sailing? Are they all remarkable as the ones you view on TV? I use to think so but I learned through years, sustainability of a relationship requires a lot of maintenance. It’s not something charming as seen on TV—at least not for all of us.  We have to learn through facing a lot of hurdles and heart aches and growing up. It’s an emotional Roller Coaster for some of us.  But as I matured, I learned that the key to progress in a relationship is communication, control of emotions, understanding, space and trust/commitment.


I hope you are in a relationship with someone who is mature enough to understand that you need your freedom. You need to have your own goals, own aspirations, own money, and own education, which sums up to your own respect and identity. Many people are very dependent on their spouse/partners identity, wealth and respect. This dependency makes them grip to their partner 24/7. This means not only are you jeopardizing your freedom but you are distressing your partner’s freedom as well. Everyone needs space. When you experience something of the same for too long, the interest slowly disappears.

This is why, I am firm believer of growth. You need to grow continuously in order for your relationship to progress and I am not just saying growth in a sense of career development. Go learn something new, try new things, develop new hobbies and create new interests. This will not only keep your mind stimulated but motivate your partner as well.

Trust and Understanding

The significance to my last idea builds on trust and understanding. We must understand that our partners need and want to be trusted. We must also understand that our partners do not completely think like us. A change management theory suggests that a group of people can work towards the same end goal but the approach of the solution can be different for each individual. This is because they perceive the problem differently from each other. Hence, you and your partner may have the same end goal but approach the journey to the end goal differently.


This can be handled by good, transparent communication. You need to know your flaws from your partner’s point of view and accept them. Try to change your approach. For example, a passive person will not share until they can’t take it anymore, but a direct person will share everything without filter. Now if you put these two in an argument then the passive person will get hurt as the direct person is arguing without filter. However, I think once in a relationship everyone can argue/debate in peace. Peace to a good argument is good communication. Take your time. Understand why the other person is hurt and then communicate your side of the issue politely.


The idea of commitment varies within different relationships, however there should be a general commitment established between the two. You have to communicate the dos and don’ts to each other. I am not saying establish where things are going but have a general idea of where you would like things to go. Some partners are insecure about the idea of providing security, if you really like this person then find out why this is. Often the case involves, past experiences. But it’s good to know where the emotions derive from to make an educated forecast for the future.

Don’t get too hurt. Nothing is set on stone and nothing is forever. You have to have the mindset that anything could happen. Everyone is growing daily and issues arise per circumstances. Therefore, anything could happen and there is no need to get over emotional. Keep your investments and expectations to a perimeter.

Feel free to reach out to acquire further insight…

Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie
