Your Current Mental Health in the Pandamic?

Hello World,

As we all have different views on our current situation on the pandamic, I wanted to learn about yours and of course, share mine as well. I wanted to know how you feel, are you suffering financially or mentally? How has it harmed you or how was it great for you? Check out my last post on Maslow’s hierarchy to see where you are at on the list.

As you all know 2020 was a hard year for me. I lost a loved one and the pandamic took place right after that. Prior to the pandamic, I use to work 9 – 5 downtown and my communte was 1 and half hours both ways. YES! That soulds horrible right? Well, it was terrible and I hated every bit of it.

The pandemic helped me cope, it gave me time back which, I never had. I had time to reflect and get better at my skills. I finally got time to take care on myself! I had time to work out and start a skin care routine. As you know I love working, 9 -5, traveling for work, took away time that I could have gave myself. It gave me time for self love and growth.

However, for many it was the worst. They lost their family members, their jobs, their careers, financially stability, mental health, you name it. I am good at expressing and letting things out and then getting up to get better. Many people struggle from looking past the negative which, in some cases is fair –if myfinancial stability went away, I would be at a low spot.

I came across a tiktok video and in the video the person was complaining about not being able to go to the gym. People are missing human interaction and dating and partying and the social aspect of life. I was always an introvert and more of a workaholic so it didn’t impact me as much.

So I want to know how you are coping? How do you feel about the current state of lockdown? Are you doing okay or all this mentally crippling you?

TWITTER: @dilypie
TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!