Missed Opportunities

Hello World,

I use this blogs to share my journey, express and share my knowledge so here goes a story. I wasn’t going to write about this but, recently I was offered to work for a side opportunity. It was a good opportunity and would have been completely side from my real job. I was very excided.

I was approached because, I had the skillset and I am actually really good at coding, data and financial modelling. Here is my link to Fiverr, if you ever require to set up your eccommerce marketing metrics.

Though super excited, I was offered a short period to get this done. I was super busy at work and I wouldn’t have been able to turn this around as other work took priority. I had to let the owner of the ecommerce brand know that I had conflict. Though, if I have had a free day I would have been able to turn the work around easily, that particular day just wasn’t my day.

Even if this wasn’t my fault, I was seriously disappointed and had anxiety as I always like get things done which is given to me. Though, I am someone who always bounces back up. I told myself, although I couldn’t turn the gig around, I had the materials to teach and learn myself from it. The thing that had me excited was that it was something different and I was able to advance my skill for it.

Ah well, there is always next time!

Do you ever feel anxious or had a situation similar to this where you had to turn good opportunities down for priorities in your life?

TWITTER: @dilypie
TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Is Your Personality a Wishy Washy One?

Hello World,

Haha, identify yourself!

There are several times in your life you will not know what you are doing or what you want from life. You might feel lost. I have felt it several times in life. The feeling is crippling. Not only are you lost, you have these added emotions that others are judging or you are behind. But as I got older I realized I had to set some ground rules and become better at knowing what I wanted to do with my life and set a plan for myself. This plan is evolving daily.

But here is the thing, some of you have a plan but arn’t statisfied with it. At that time you also may feel a bit lost. A relatable example might be that you are stuck at a career or a job you don’t like doing but, it serves your over all plan. You are sticking through this boring job to save up to travel or to buy a house, which is your over all plan. Everyone has to put in those small sacrifices to get to their ultimate plan/goals.

Then what do I mean by wishy washy? Wishy washy people are the ones that do not have a plan, but see others doing something and without research they announce to the world that they will bandwagan too. Example, would be say, Carla works as an analyst and for her age all her surrounding friends and family has surpassed their careers. Now Carla feels insecure and needs to create an narrative for herself to feel good. She sees her frined, who was struggling financially made a bold decision to move to Texas because, house prices are cheaper. Carla, has no plans to move but, she feels telling herself that she could also do the same.

One of you decided to ask Carla how she was doing these days and her response to you would be, “oh I am doing fine, I think my five year plan is to move to Texas because, I heard the house prices are cheaper”. You ask her, Carla, “do you have a job lined up?”. In her response she says, “no, I’ll just go with the flow and see where it gets me”

This was a story line of a person with out a real plan and drive to work towards their own personal goals. Can you all not be a Carla for the year of 2021, haha. Please set goals and practice them every day. If you look at my post on Life Calendars, you will realize we have only few days to work on ourselves. When we get old it’s actually not that easy.

Please share your goals with me! I love being inspired by you all.

Help me grow this new year! Don’t forget to follow me on the following,

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


What is One Thing You do Every day?

Hello World,

What is one thing you make sure you do every day?

No not the daily necessities like sleeping, eating or brushing your teeth, etc. What is one thing you do every day that you make sure gets done no matter what?

Do you mediate? Do you yoga? My last blog, I highlight my meditation routine.

Do you make sure you read something daily?

Do you pray every day?

Do you make sure to stay hydrated?

Do you put a facemask on daily?

Do you take your vitamins every day?

Do you work out every day or walk every day? Do you get any movement in?

Do you make sure to tell your loved ones you love them?

Do you make your bed every day or keep the house clean?

What is one thing that you are doing every day that is on a consistant basis that is now a habit?

After you answered that. Did you purposely make that you do it every day so it became a habit or are you trying to improve to make it your habit.

I love these growth questions, I am constantly trying to learn new skills, coding, marketing, etc. every day to instill growth. I am trying to make growth a habit.

I would love to hear from you guys! Love to see what everyone is doing every day, or how they are growing and how that is helping your personal and mental health.

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Facing Uncertainty in Your Life?

Hello World,

Let’s not kid anyone, we have all been there! We have all faced lost and didn’t know where this life is headed. I have felt that countless amount of times. There was a time, I basically had no skills but, I kept applying to jobs like a headless chicken. Even worst, when others are exceeding expectatoins but, you are still stuck where you are. I know that’s a discouraging feeling. My best advise for all of you who are feeling this way right now — focus on yourself and focus on getting better!

My last blog, “Are You Keeping up With Your New Years Resolution?” I talk about how I am being consistent to better myself as a person this year. I also wrote about the steps I am taking to get better, Meditation and Manifestation For 2021.

The reality is, when you work on yourself and get better at the things you do, you attract better! You attract better people, you attract better careers, and you attract better energy. If you are feeling down, if you are feeling low, then concentrate on this! Pick up a skill and make sure you are practicing that every day. Have objectives in your life and be little flexible. Don’t take life too seriously, yet, don’t slack on your goals!

Keep going everyone! We can do it! Please let me know about your goals and progress, I would love to run more about you!

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Are You Keeping up With Your New Years Resolution?

Hello World,

Checking on you guys to see how you all are doing? I have been super busy with work. Meetings after meetings. However, as promised to myself, I have been meditating every day! In this post I speak about my meditation routine that has helped me immensely with anxiety, Meditation and Manifestation For 2021.

This helps me keep positive. As I have wrote about it before, last year was painful. I lost my father. My father was full of life and it has been tough seeing him pass in pain. Although, I know he is in a better place, last year I worked on building my strengths. I put work ahead of everything and made it priority. It helped me cope.

I was actually puting work ahead of all because, I was trying to escape and cope and not face the reality of my fathers loss. Acceptance came day by day. It’s still hard however, I can face the reality of his passing now. However, through all this mental burden, I conquered one thing, I became better and better at what I do at work. This is because, that is all I focussed on.

I have learned that practice makes perfect, hence, I have been very, very determined to make my New Years Resolutions a habit. One of which, you already know, is keeping up with meditating every day. I have not skipped one single day. Be proud of me! I will keep going on this. Not only is it helping my physical and mental health but, it getting that checked off my list every day makes me feel accomplished.

Noteworthy resolution acomplishment thus far is me keeping up with taking my vitamins daily. Who else has this problem of forgetting about them? Well, I am putting myself first this year.

One thing I do want to continue doing is keep writing daily on this blog. Sometimes I slip due to work however, I love writing and sharing my insights and knowledge.

I would love for you to follow along! Happy New Year once, again!

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


If Money Wasn’t an Object…

Hello World,

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

I started watching a lot of food vlogs lately over the pandemic. 2020 has been a tough year for all of us and who doesn’t love food? Second to all the comedy shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime, food is the most comforting thing that has been keeping me happy. Food not only satisfies your taste buds, but also is a window to learning about other cultures. As you may already know, I love to travel and food is a big part of traveling!

As I was scorlling through my YouTube channels, I came to know about Mike – Chopstick Travel and boy are they good! They are amazing with their camera work when they travel and it feels like I am traveling and eating with them. I relate since, I enjoy traveling as much as they do. Their videos made me realize how much I actually miss traveling the world. I become so attached to work and then the pandemic happened that I almost forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Then I asked myself this, If Money Wasn’t an Object… what would truely make me happy? I had the answer right away. If money wasn’t an object and their were no financial constraints or bounds then I would travel hopelessly and learn about cutlures, try different food, and meet different people. That is my ultimate goal and that what makes me truely happy! Yes, some of you would counter back saying, it will get boring if you had the chance to do it endlessly but, I beg to differ. I actually love traveling one place to another.

Now, this is a very interesting question because, it takes out the constraint that we have in our life and helps you answer what you are truely passionate about. So let me ask you, if Money Wasn’t an Object then what would make you happy? What would you do this very instance? What would be the most fulfilling for you?

Whatever that you answer, that’s your life goal and that’s what you should be working towards every day. I told myself, if traveling is my true passion then I am going to make it happy! I will take you all on a journey with me as I achieve that goal.

Until then, stay happy and please suscribe to all of my other channels!

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Norbert’s Gambit – Tranding Strategy

Hello World,

This is specifically for my Canadians! Have you ever heard of Norbert’s Gambit?

Then you are missing out! I am about to spill some tea on how to save money on foreign exchange fees legally. Norbert’s Gambit is used when you are trading and you want to buy a US stock but you have Canadian dollars. To avoid exchange fees of let’s say 20%, you can just pay $5 to $7 CAD.

Imange you have $10,000 CAD and you want to exchange it to USD, instead of paying a wapping $200 in exchange fees just apply Norbert’s Gambit and you will pay about $10 dollars. I do it all the time.

First, you will in need a brokerage, I would suggest Questrade. Then you would need an account your trading in RRSP or TSFA. I would say, go for your RRSP.

Here are your easy steps:

  1. Then you go to Trading and look up DLR.TO. This is a ETF that tracks CAD currency.
  2. You have to decide how much money you are trading. For example, $2,000 CAD.
  3. Then you have to look at how much DLR.TO is trading at. Currently it is trading at $12.89.
  4. Then you $2,000 divide $12.89 and get the number of share you can purchase. In this case it’s 155.
  5. Make the trade to Market and buy the 155 shares
  6. Call or simply open the chat and ask the representative to Journal your shares in DLR.U.TO
  7. DLR.U.TO is the same etf in USD
  8. After 5 days, you will be able to sell your USD DLR.U.TO and you will have US Dollars to buy your US stocks


Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Is WordPress The New Social Media?

Hello World,

I am super curious! What are you thoughts on WordPress introducing stories?

Pretty much all, starting from Twitter, SnapChat, Facebook, Instagram-all platforms have a the story feature now!

Even your instant messaging, Whatsapp has stories! How much stories can you share and in how many platforms. This is mostly because, people like sharing their daily lives. It almost becomes a dependencies, for example, people can’t live without sharing on Instagram.

So what do you think is the purpose of WordPress adding stories? Is it to quickly share your findings with your audience. Creates a better connection with your followers? Or just bandwagoning with all the other platforms. Maybe, creating a competitive edge to compete against Shopify?

What is your take on this?

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Stock Picks During The E-Commerce Uprise

Hello World,

This is for my beginner traders who are a bit afraid of buying stocks, if you have money laying around then invest it! Yes, compound growth is important for your future savings. It protects you from inflation.

Currently there is news on the Government regulating Crypto currency. This has some pros. vs. cons. Simple pro, crypto will finally be regulated. Which means there may be a ETF coming! Con, you will be able to trade crypto limited on the various crypto currency platforms with the new regulations.

However, I believe most of my audiences are still very new to Crypto and Blockchain and therefore, they are not investing in that realm. I could be wrong, let me know if you own some coins?!

If you don’t, then you may have also heard the news of Megan Thee Stallion, the American rapper promoting Cash App and giving away free Bitcoins. Well do you know who owns Cash App? If you read finance news like I do and are on top of your trends then it’s Square Inc.

Invest in Square Inc. ticker symbol (SQ). Square has sky rocketed during the ecommerce uprise, plus they accept bitcoin. I believe Squre and PayPal has huge potential and it’s another way of investing in crypto without the hassle of downloading crypto platforms and getting a wallet for Crypto currencies.

Thanks for always staying with me to learn about investment and money!

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!
