Are You Buying More AMC Stock – WallStreetsBets

Hello World,

This is all fun and games for me as a I didn’t invest a lot in AMC stocks but, just wanted to see what happens. So guess what! I bought some haha! Yes, I did it. After I bought it, the price hit the floor as these hedge funds are trying to block brokerage and platforms from allowing regular people to buy these particular stocks. They are trying to recover their losses.

I had a bit of fomo yesterday after TikTok flooded me with all WallStreetsBets news. So I thought why not! Let’s see how this goes and ride this out. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then you need to read more money news and read my last blog, GameStop and Blackberry Stocks.

Although, the price dropped from $19 dollars to $8 dollars now, I am still holding! I believe the price may rise tomorrow. What are your take on this?

TWITTER: @dilypie
TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_


Do You Believe in Destiny or Working Hard?

Hello World,

I want to know what you all believe in. Do you believe that everything is written in your destiny, as in is it predetermined what will happen to you? Or do you think working hard will get you where you need to be? Or is it all luck–right time, right place will get you the right opportunity?

If you ask me then I believe all of it. I think you are destined with an outcome but, there are alot of exterior components surrounding your life which is the “Luck” factor. For example, you are a good employee and you want a promotion as a senior lead. You are a hard worker. However, your manager has a better relationship with your coworker who is also a hard worker. Your coworker get’s the promotion you desired. That’s all luck. You couldn’t win that scenario even if you wanted to.

However, I feel if you learned from that situation and took those skill set and worked hard without that scenario impacting you, then I think you have a fair shot of building your own destiny. I think working hard and developing your skills will always get you closer to the path you want to be on.

What are your thoughts on this?

TWITTER: @dilypie
TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_


Are You Keeping up With Your New Years Resolution?

Hello World,

Checking on you guys to see how you all are doing? I have been super busy with work. Meetings after meetings. However, as promised to myself, I have been meditating every day! In this post I speak about my meditation routine that has helped me immensely with anxiety, Meditation and Manifestation For 2021.

This helps me keep positive. As I have wrote about it before, last year was painful. I lost my father. My father was full of life and it has been tough seeing him pass in pain. Although, I know he is in a better place, last year I worked on building my strengths. I put work ahead of everything and made it priority. It helped me cope.

I was actually puting work ahead of all because, I was trying to escape and cope and not face the reality of my fathers loss. Acceptance came day by day. It’s still hard however, I can face the reality of his passing now. However, through all this mental burden, I conquered one thing, I became better and better at what I do at work. This is because, that is all I focussed on.

I have learned that practice makes perfect, hence, I have been very, very determined to make my New Years Resolutions a habit. One of which, you already know, is keeping up with meditating every day. I have not skipped one single day. Be proud of me! I will keep going on this. Not only is it helping my physical and mental health but, it getting that checked off my list every day makes me feel accomplished.

Noteworthy resolution acomplishment thus far is me keeping up with taking my vitamins daily. Who else has this problem of forgetting about them? Well, I am putting myself first this year.

One thing I do want to continue doing is keep writing daily on this blog. Sometimes I slip due to work however, I love writing and sharing my insights and knowledge.

I would love for you to follow along! Happy New Year once, again!

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!