Poor Are Stuck in the Poverty System

Hello World,

I watched a video today and it was heart breaking. A young girl in her mid 20’s was crying because, she had to help and pay her parents mortgage at 16. She completed one of her bachelors and went into debt. Then covid hit! She couldn’t save up. Now she is completing her nursing degree but, she does not have money to pay for the last semester of her college. She is convinced that the poor is set up to be poor. She said, that she paid for her parents house and mortgage but, what about her? Where is her house? Meaning, she can’t ever afford one.

This really made me think. We really discredit people who are self made. The people who don’t have a proper shelter when young however somehow managed to earn their success and make it big. What was it that set them apart? Since, in reality there is a high chance most that come from poverty will get stuck in the poverty system. The people who do not have a healthy financial support growing up will always be the ones paying massive debt and expenses.

Here is what I feel, it’s sad, yes we are stuck in a poverty system but, the question we have to ask is, are we resiliant? Can we survive our bad times and keep going at our passions and keep learning. It is almost like the concept of dollar cost averaging, right? There may be highs, there may be lows, but you have to keep pushing and going at your goals.

Now will grow for you, if you don’t try yourself.

Think about my post and share your thoughts!

TWITTER: @dilypie
TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_vnVGqNmp_cb1wT2LJtYEQ?view_as=subscriber

Norbert’s Gambit – Tranding Strategy

Hello World,

This is specifically for my Canadians! Have you ever heard of Norbert’s Gambit?

Then you are missing out! I am about to spill some tea on how to save money on foreign exchange fees legally. Norbert’s Gambit is used when you are trading and you want to buy a US stock but you have Canadian dollars. To avoid exchange fees of let’s say 20%, you can just pay $5 to $7 CAD.

Imange you have $10,000 CAD and you want to exchange it to USD, instead of paying a wapping $200 in exchange fees just apply Norbert’s Gambit and you will pay about $10 dollars. I do it all the time.

First, you will in need a brokerage, I would suggest Questrade. Then you would need an account your trading in RRSP or TSFA. I would say, go for your RRSP.

Here are your easy steps:

  1. Then you go to Trading and look up DLR.TO. This is a ETF that tracks CAD currency.
  2. You have to decide how much money you are trading. For example, $2,000 CAD.
  3. Then you have to look at how much DLR.TO is trading at. Currently it is trading at $12.89.
  4. Then you $2,000 divide $12.89 and get the number of share you can purchase. In this case it’s 155.
  5. Make the trade to Market and buy the 155 shares
  6. Call or simply open the chat and ask the representative to Journal your shares in DLR.U.TO
  7. DLR.U.TO is the same etf in USD
  8. After 5 days, you will be able to sell your USD DLR.U.TO and you will have US Dollars to buy your US stocks


Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!



Hello World,

I just wanted to come on here and share a note about how supportive you all have been through out this entire year. Even when I take these long breaks, I see you all commenting and showing support and sharing my content.

This year was a handful. But, I let you guys know it all. You saw my flaws, my mistakes, my struggles, my failures, my emotional battles, and my struggle, my hustle, and my passion towards my work.

You read my post when my father passing away and showed tremondous support. You read on my battle with anxiety and shared your insights and helpful tips. You read my post on my grandfather passing away and showed love. You read my post on my journey towards YouTube and supported me by suscribing and offered tips to help improve. You read my post on consumer behavior, tech trends, business, motivation, and personal finance. I hope you learned and took away some of my knowledge from my journey.

I love this community that I have built and I would love for you to keep on going strong with me on to 2021! Let’s grow together and stay strong.


Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


Build Resilience

Hello World,

I am late again, but I am here! Recenlty, one of my family members have passed away. That is two this year. As everyone who has been following me for some time may know that in January I lost my father. It was the hardest thing ever. Now we are nearing the end of the year and I have lost another family member.

It is not easy. I usually head straight to work and try to cope by keeping myself busy. It works for me. However, this time around all the memories of my fathers loss had come back and I had a terrible day at work on Friday. I tried to step in to work too quick and then one of my meetings went wrong and then later on all of my meetings started going side ways. Soon that day my imposter syndrome took over and I started questioning, if I am even worth it.

After a quick chat with couple of my friends, I soon realized that I was being too hard on myself. What I have done, or the little mess that I had work was going to go unnoticed as I noticed it more than other people. Others will go on with their days as they have their own goals and lifes to worry about. What I needed to do is just step away and divert my mind and just relax. Then come back and work on my craft so I can keep going.

There is an amazing article by Harvard Business Review about two people who were fired due to economy. One updated his resume and changed his mindset by saying, it’s not his fault, it’s the economies fault. The other drove himself to homelessness as he couldn’t bare the failure. https://hbr.org/2011/04/building-resilience

Yes, build resilience! I found the best way to build resilience is through support. Talking about my issue, validating my feelings with someone else who has been through something similar. This helps me keeping going, keep pushing through. It brings me back to my objective. My objective as everyone knows is sustainability. I want to be sustainable in all aspects of my life at all times and all economic conditions.

Another method that is very successful for me is mindful writing. Yes, write all of it down. You just need to express your feelings. You will feel a bit lighter. Start journaling!

If you ever feel down, don’t keep it in. Everyone goes through their own set up traumas. You are not alone. If you ever need to talk, just shoot me a message and we can work this through. Don’t give up!

Thanks for staying with me for such a long time and showing me support!

Twitter: @dilypie
TikTok: Dlaofficial_
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: Love you guys for suscribing already!


What Has This Lockdown Taught You?

Hello World,

Sorry I am late, work has been crazy! But I am just checking up on you all!

Unpredictability! My worst fear, something that gives me deep anxiety. Yes, unpredictabilty is what I have learned from this lockdown. I have also learned to accept it.

Just like most people, it has been testing for me. I was given new challenges at work that I had to quickly adapt to in these testing times of lay offs. One of my family members passed away. Over all I was just alone pick up all my emotions and work.

Being prepared for these unprecedented times is actually what would help you gain a bit of confidence. However, some obstacles you just have to deal with and own. Feel the emotions and get back to working. Feel your emotions completely and talk about it. For examples, if you lost your job, or someone at home is sick or you are struggling with something… try to find people who went through similar expeirences and just talk about it. It will help you.

What really helped me through 2020 is listening to podcasts. I wasn’t willing to open up completely with all that was going on. The podcasts were interesting, I resonated with the stories without having to tell someone my story. I learned how other people deal with anxiety and challening situatoins. The stories were not all about coping. These were various podcast starting from finanace to simply being happy. The subject varied widely. All I can say is it help me a lot.

There will be really shitty and hard times in life! Really rock bottom times but, you have to own all situations. When I say all situations, I mean the worst of the worst. You can’t be too comfortable with your current situation. I hope of the best for everyone, but you have to be uncomfortable enough to know that you may lose it all tomorrow. You should be able to turn around and say I am okay or not okay with that!

If you are not okay with a certain situation then plan early for it if you can. If you can’t then give yourself some time to cope.

Thank you for all your support! I hope you are all strong during these unsettling times!


Twitter: @dilypie

TikTok: Dlaofficial_ – Check out my latest Niagara falls outing!

Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2Q6AdL

YouTube: (Editing is hard! but videos are on the way) Love you guys for suscribing already!


COVID – 19 – Give Back by Volunteering

Hello World,

I am not sponsored to say this, but leave all the conspiracy theories aside… People really need help at this time. I have been thinking of ways to give back and help people in need through out this pandamic.

Toronto Food Back requires donations to help with Covid – 19 respose.

The Daily Bread Food Back requires assitance.

The Friendly Neighbor Hotline requires volunteers.

Kids Help Line requires volunteers.

#Stitchforcorona requires volunteers.

Please follow this link to help people in your free time.


Thank you,


Tiktok: Dlaofficial_

Anxiety is genetic but can be controlled!

Hello World,

I am trying to balance and jungle many goals and milestones in life as we speak. My work environment and the nature of my job can easily allow a lot of stress and therefore I am subject to feeling a lot anxiety at times. However, having anxiety is genetic. For example, if your mom’s side and parents had anxiety of some sort then there is a chance you may have anxiety as well.

Anxiety is really diminishing to your health ultimately if not managed properly. Anxiety can be caused by stress. However, if you notice that you are unable to complete day to day task then it’s clinical anxiety and it is time for you to seek out help.


 There are five types of Anxiety,

  • Generalized anxiety – Stress
  • Obsessive compulsive – Repetitive behavior that proves the same negative outcome
  • Panic disorder – You are worried about the outcome
  • PTSD – You endured a traumatic experience your childhood or lifetime
  • Social anxiety disorder – You are self consciousness

Anxiety can cause avoidance. This a common coping technique used by people with anxiety.  For example, people with anxiety will often avoid events to eliminate social interaction and/or job opportunities to avoid the interview process. This is because they are afraid of the outcome. They are afraid they will perform poorly and will be judged.

Eventually avoidance will come back to haunt these people as they must deal with outcome in the future.  Let’s say that you avoided preparing for an exam, or just didn’t go to the exam because you were afraid of failing or doing poorly. The result will be the same, you would fail. Rather,  if you had taken the time to study then you could have avoided anxiety instead. Avoidance causes the brain to use a lot of power to supress feelings.

If clinical then people should get help, if not then people should learn to face the problems. Avoidance allows a person to prolong the negative output. Some people even convince themselves that they work well under pressure. However, it’s just them putting off the work until the last minute because, they were avoiding the result.

There are two things to understand:

  1. Bad things happen in life (which is not controllable always)
  2. The reaction is always controllable

It’s important to feel the emotion and not to avoid the feeling. The more you are open and expressive the less anxiety you will feel.


Tiktok @dlaofficial_

Make More Money

Hi World,

I am sorry! I know I keep saying I will post often but I fail with all that has been happening. However, my blog posts are never about failing. They are about embracing struggle and creating them into opportunities. These blogs have always been to motivate you at your lowest. Inform you of various techniques, technologies, balancing emotional and mental health.

I like to write and connect with everyone and share my learnings and experiences. Thank you for always showing support and subscribing to my other social media platforms.

2019 has brought me a lot of opportunities, learnings and, also struggle. The past year I have struggled with my father’s illness and struggled feeling stuck in a toxic relationship and trapped in stagnant work with no growth. Somehow, I managed to turn that mindset around and just focus on work. Work, work, and work. I learned new skills and networked to meet new professionals. This really turned things around for me! Focussing on learning new skills built my confidence.

Now I know what I need to succeed this new year or at least give it my best! If I don’t then I wouldn’t know if I could have made it.  Therefore, 2020 will be about making a lot of money!

Do not get me wrong! Money cannot buy happiness but one thing it does is give you that financial freedom to gain that happiness. The time to spend with your family and confidence to take care of yourself. It buys comfort!

I am dedicating this year towards learning new skills and building a portfolio!

This was a short one but this was a welcome post to the New Year! I want you to all succeed this new year so please don’t forget to share your journey with me and reach out with any questions about finances, IT,  Strategy, Marketing and Business!


TikTok: dlaofficial_




Grateful – Mindfulness

Hello World,

Let’s practice Mindfulness for 5 minutes today.  Can we write down 3 things you are grateful for at this present time?  It can be anything!  I am grateful to still have my parents with me, I am blessed to have a supportive group of friends and I am happy, because I a platform to share my thoughts.

Now your turn! Let’s start doing this every night! Why?

We live in a disruptive world where we are always chasing something! Money, attention, career, family, love life, success, there is always something that you are chasing.  You weigh yourself against that “thing” and feel bad when you are not close to attaining the goal.  But, if you forecast everything and live in the future then you are basically letting go of your present time.  One day you will look back and say where did the time go and why haven’t I experience or missed somethings that were already there in my life.

That is the reason why I want you to practice gratefulness! Be positive and  grateful for everything and try to turn your negatives into positive. Remember perception is key.  The way you look at a situation can change the world!

Remember, you are amazing…

If you need management or business solutions help, please visit: https://dlaofficial.wordpress.com/business/

Please share and spread the word! I have several coupons for you on my Instagram page!

Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_ (HI! 🙂 CLICK ON ME)



Twitter @DilyPie


Dementia treated with Validation Therapy

The title is not accurate for this blog.  Validation Therapy do not treat dementia patient but it definitely eases their pain.

Google just stated, 50 million people around the world currently have dementia and there are 10 million new cases every day.


Does that statistic scare you?  That is a scary thought.  That means when I am older there is a good chance of me being diagnosed with dementia.  This means, I would have impaired reasoning and memory loss.

People with close loved ones diagnosed with Alzheimer and dementia face tremendous hardship.  People diagnosed with this disease need round the clock care.  If the patient is not under supervision then they might not get proper care and might get hurt due to impaired reasoning.

The carer has to go through much frustration as the person with dementia has their own way of thinking and do not recall a lot of old information.  The carer themselves go through of a phase where they would like to fix and help their loved ones get back to what they once were.  However, instead of trying to bring them back, let’s help them live their last bit of life with peace.

Validation therapy is a form, which helps people with dementia feel validated, respected, and understood in the last phases of their life.  Please follow these techniques to learn how to act more empathetically towards a patient with impaired reasoning,

  • prepare yourself to listen empathetically, set your own emotions and anger aside to be dealt with and acknowledged later. Concentrate fully on what they are sharing, making sure you’re able to pick up on any little nuance they exhibit or share.
  • Reminisce with them, especially talking about how they were able to solve a problem. A person with dementia cannot learn new coping skills; but, remembering how they handled problems in the past may help them rediscover a way to deal with problems they currently face.
  • If the person with dementia enjoys physical contact, and would not consider you to be violating their space, use touch to establish a relationship with them. Gently stroking their cheek or hand may remind them of pleasant times from the past, such as times when their mother did the same. Remember, people who have problems with others being in their personal space will continue to have those issues, disoriented or not. Respect for their boundaries is important.
  • Maintain close eye contact. Gazing into their eyes will help them feel secure and loved.
  • Music is a great tool. Music and songs often transport us to another place and time. Think how many times a song reminds you of other people, places or events. Non-verbal people with dementia can even sing songs they once knew when they are otherwise unable to speak.
  • Do not argue with them. Arguing with a confused person is rarely productive and leads to frustration and agitation.
  • Use a clear, low (but not quiet) and loving tone. High-pitched tones and soft tones are difficult for someone with impaired hearing to understand. Plus, an overly loud voice can come across as harsh or angry; therefore, do not talk louder than necessary just because they are hard of hearing.
  • Use non-threatening, factual words. A person with dementia is not the least bit concerned in discovering why they behave the way they do. Rather than asking why something was done, focus instead on the more concrete questions of who, what, where, when and how.

Remember, you are amazing…

If you need management or business solutions help, please visit: https://dlaofficial.wordpress.com/business/

Please share and spread the word! I have several coupons for you on my Instagram page!

Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_ (HI! 🙂 CLICK ON ME)



Twitter @DilyPie