I Am Trying to Become More Comfortable on Camera

I am trying to become more comfortable filming myself each day and putting myself out there to combat any fear and attracting good energy!!

Love all of your support!!


Twitter dilyPie

How to leverage Resources to Become an Investor?

Hello World,

Honestly, nothing better than investing in yourself and leanring. Here are few recommened books for your investment journey:

You can use the link to read a bit of sample and or purchase it for your kindle:

Get a free preview and then read through the materials to expand your knowledge,

Why did I throw this in here? Because, I want you to become a smart investor and invest in yourself by learning new skills that will be applicable in the future.

Follow me on TikTok: Dlaofficial_


Trade Mark for your Brand

Hello World,

I always want to provide informative content you can use to excel in your personal and professional growth.

I am the kind of personality who had to learn on her own and find her own coaches and mentors. I had to put in research for all the knowledge I have equiped over the years and I am still growing and learning.

Today I want to know if you are growing your brand? If you are, then check out these two websites which will help you locate Trade Marks for your brand. You can go on these websites and search for your Brand name and or a slogan.

USPTO – https://www.uspto.gov/

TradeMarkia – https://www.trademarkia.com/

Once, you searched the trade mark item you are looking for two things!

  1.  If the trade mark is “Dead” or “Live” 
  2. Detailed description of the industry the brand name/slogan was used for.

If the trademark is LIVE then you would not be able to use the trademark!


Check out my last few Blogs! Let me know if they are helpful. 

Want to make money from your Website?

Traction and Future of Blogs

Steamer – Amazon Deals

Career lesson…

Pandamic Planner – pick a skill to keep up



Tiktok: Dlaofficial_


What are some ways to Save Money? Rakuten.ca

Hello World,

I have looking for smart tips to saving and investing money.  If we look at our economy today, everyone is some where saving what they have. People are worried about the worsening economy. However, if everyone starts holding cash then economy get’s worst.

Therefore, take your money and invest it but, be smart about your investments. Learn new skills and make yourself more valuable in the coming markets. Do your research!

I have been reading a lot about money and saving tricks. Funny thing! I have never focused on cash back sites or cash back credit cards! I don’t know what I was doing all these years.

Recently, I found Rakuten.ca! through someone elses blog post. 

“Rakuten.ca is a great website that actually pays you Cash Back every time you shop online and it’s free to join! Rakuten.ca works with over 750 stores that ship to Canada including Indigo.ca, Old Navy, Sephora, Staples, Hudson’s Bay, and eBay.ca.”

This is a little blurb you get from their website. All in all, I agree with it! I shopped a few times now and my cash back are stacking up to be a good amount in return. I shopped from Sephora, Groceries from Walmart, Clothing from Nike! This website has all the big players you would usually spend your money with online.

Think of getting a discount of 2% to 5% cashback on your big purchases!

Although, I wish it had Amazon.ca! Amazon is not doing cash back with this site at the moment since, they have launched their own credit cards.

Why wait? Click here to sign up today:


Be thrifty everyone!!

Tiktok: dlaofficial_

Traction and Future of Blogs

Hello World,

I just wanted to list out few tips and tricks for bloggers who want to earn money from blogging. This may be useful information to you or you may already know this. But I thought I share anyways!

I think it goes without saying, if you are a new blogger, you shouldn’t go into writing with the idea that you will make money from it. It is a process. Blogging takes 2 to 3 years before you start making real money from it. You have to be consistent and you have to learn about SEO. You have to know how to get traction from different platfroms, Instagrm, TikTok, Pinterest, Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. 

The initial step is to look up Google Ad Sense : https://www.google.com/adsense/start/ 

Google Ad Sense, will not earn you money right away. You have to meet a certain threshold to actually earn money. However, it’s a start and means. When you start growing your followers and readers, you will have people clicking on the ADs.

Blogging in a tradtional sense can be compared to Magazines. Yes! Managzines earn their bucks through sponsored Ads. Ads depends on traction and followers hence, the main thing is to creating a flow where you can find audiences.

  1. Success Tip – Write about things you are interested in and don’t follow trend! You have to create your own brand and niche. I like talking about Business/Motivation/Money and Finance and mental health. That’s what share my expertise on, on these blogs. If you follow trends that you are not interested in, then it would be a road to failure.

2. Succes Tip –  Answer a question! Everyone has an opinion. Simply sharing your opinon does not help anyone. In this blog, I am sharing your expectation and “how to” make money from blogging. I am answering a question some of you may have.

3. Success Tip –  Keep your blogs around one page, 1,500 words! TikTok and instagram stories, along with Amzon’s same day shipping has made our attention sapn smaller over the years. We don’t have patience to read an entire article. Keep it informative and short!

4. Success Tip – Be consistent and don’t stop writing! It takes 2 years+ for you to grow a blog and gain traction. 


Big one! How will blogging looking in the future and how to adapt to it?

You have to research on Voice key word search! Amazon Alexa and Google mini can answer everyone’s questions now! 51% of people use home voice control systems to answer very specific questions and how to’s so they don’t really need bloggers to answer their day to day questions.

However, things such as financial planning and advices on other subjects that require more indepth detail will be the trend for bloggers. Understanding what people are reading about will be the key to success in the future!

Hope that was helpful!

Thanks!! Follow me on TIKTOK: Dlaofficial_

Career lesson…

“People would actually rather work with someone who is incompetent and likable than competent and unlikable. Most people nod in agreement when they read this. It’s the unlikable people who form arguments in their head.

But there’s more. At work, if you are unlikable, people start thinking you are less competent. So stop thinking you can skate by on your genius IQ because you can’t. You need emotional intelligence as well. This situation is so pronounced that there are special-education classrooms rife with kids who could read when they were three. Social skills matter as much as intelligence when it comes to long-term success, even for the geniuses.”

We are hitting Great Depression again…

Hello World,

Media always pursued us to buy more products when we do not need them. I was on Amazon and the current Canadian best sellers are Coffee, when it should be masks and all purpose cleaners.

When I am on TiKTok, I see a pattern of young “rich” people showing off their Gucci purses, Balenciaga shoes. That encourages our youth to make poor purchase decisions.

There is a digital #trend “I want it, I got it…” the video shows someone pointing out an expensive product such as a gucci purse or a belt. Then they show the people holding the item. This is great for digital presence for the person creating content and should be only taken as entertainment.

However, I am worried about people being encouraged by the trap of marketing at this time.

You all need to save money right now. Only spend on your essentials and save. You can look into your future investments that will return money. If prices fall in the house market, then do your research before you purchase.

Will you be able to rent the place out? If yes, then create that stream of income. Create different streams of income right now so you can survive through the recession that we are already in.

Invest in yourself. Learn a new skill! Look up new #hottopics. For example, we know now that health care and security/cybersecurity never goes out of fashion

Thank you,

Tiktok: Dlaofficial_


COVID – 19 – Give Back by Volunteering

Hello World,

I am not sponsored to say this, but leave all the conspiracy theories aside… People really need help at this time. I have been thinking of ways to give back and help people in need through out this pandamic.

Toronto Food Back requires donations to help with Covid – 19 respose.

The Daily Bread Food Back requires assitance.

The Friendly Neighbor Hotline requires volunteers.

Kids Help Line requires volunteers.

#Stitchforcorona requires volunteers.

Please follow this link to help people in your free time.


Thank you,


Tiktok: Dlaofficial_