Diversity, Equality, And Inclusion in 2021

Hello World,

What do you all think of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the workplace? Last year, we saw many cases where people came to show support for a minority group–be it Black lives matter, gender and pay gap equality. This year work places are taking a stand at really putting in DEI strategy in place.

I think this is a great way of addressing workplace exclusion and improving remote work. I am happy to see this happen heavily where I work. Are you all seeing the same pattern as well? DEI althought, may be implemented in many places, it was never a priority. However, last year we saw some real need for change in social action.

I love this idea as I consider myself of someone who is part of the minority group and have to always have to make a case for myself. This is often the reason why women, people of color and other minority groups make less money. The work is not diverse or they don’t give someone who can’t stand out a chance.

I love the focus on DEI these days!

What is your take on this?

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Grateful – Mindfulness

Hello World,

Let’s practice Mindfulness for 5 minutes today.  Can we write down 3 things you are grateful for at this present time?  It can be anything!  I am grateful to still have my parents with me, I am blessed to have a supportive group of friends and I am happy, because I a platform to share my thoughts.

Now your turn! Let’s start doing this every night! Why?

We live in a disruptive world where we are always chasing something! Money, attention, career, family, love life, success, there is always something that you are chasing.  You weigh yourself against that “thing” and feel bad when you are not close to attaining the goal.  But, if you forecast everything and live in the future then you are basically letting go of your present time.  One day you will look back and say where did the time go and why haven’t I experience or missed somethings that were already there in my life.

That is the reason why I want you to practice gratefulness! Be positive and  grateful for everything and try to turn your negatives into positive. Remember perception is key.  The way you look at a situation can change the world!

Remember, you are amazing…

If you need management or business solutions help, please visit: https://dlaofficial.wordpress.com/business/

Please share and spread the word! I have several coupons for you on my Instagram page!

Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_ (HI! 🙂 CLICK ON ME)



Twitter @DilyPie


I need Sleep to Increase Productivity –  For the Workaholics

I just learned procedural memory is learnt through REM sleep.  Ah who ever knew! Well, I didn’t! That’s why I am here to share and increase your productivity.  My sleep pattern has been terrible lately. I have been working round the clock, 10 things going through my brain and I have to get everything done!

However, come to realize that would be sloppy job done on all my assignments and goals because there is no focus on my part!  I can’t concentrate and I am getting distracted! I start procrastinating because, I just can’t recall the information as quickly as I am supposed to! That’s trouble! I am already low on time!

Most importantly, whatever I learnt a day before, I can’t remember and apply to my daily work because I am not letting the information set as I am not getting enough sleep.

A lot, of entrepreneurs / go-getters will take pride in the fact that they get 4 hours of sleep.  It signifies to them that they are busy and they get a lot done.  In fact, it is false validation.  They are probably getting work done but are they of quality?

Quality matter people! Quality is everything! It creates a standard for business and you can charge more per your quality of work! 

When you sleep you are actually increasing your chance of productivity and quality of work for the next day. Getting about 7.5 hours of sleep helps you strengthening  of neural connections. You are digesting the information you have learnt through-out the day(s), storing it for reapplication for the future.  When you don’t sleep, the information you want to recall for the future will get diluted.  You won’t be able to recall it as quickly or completely lose it in memory.

The idea is as simple as your daily workout session! When you work-out the entire week, it’s recommended that you add in a rest day.  This is because your muscles need to repair in order to be ready for the next work-out session.  If you don’t take this rest day or any rest days then you will burn out.  Burn out! Yes, that happens to us at work! We burn out when we don’t take a vacation, hence we will definitely burn out when we don’t get enough sleep.

Stay Healthy,

If you need management or business solutions help, please visit: https://dlaofficial.wordpress.com/business/


Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie



Super Bowl 2018

Hello World,

You know my blogs are about your Goals, Motivation, Marketing, Business, Lifestyle, and Psychology…it’s a mix of who I am. I am here to gain insight and teach you my techniques and teachings over the years.

But Google wants me to write to you about Super Bowl 2018 today. Now, I don’t know any thing about Super Bowl so I will not waste your time.

In a Digital Marketing term this is called cloaking. You know when you go to a YouTube page and they have all the “Click Bait” Captions and Thumbnails? Yes, exactly that! But I am not about that. I like to write about what is meaningful to me.

When you do something without passion they don’t turn out as sweet. They often lack engagement. Engagement is a very important term when it comes to Digital media and marketing. We depend on engagement a great deal. A golden engagement takes authenticity.

I want to know if you are always your Authentic self? I want to know if you know how to be your authentic self. Authenticity is a crucial part of success in life.

Please feel free to connect with me. I am interested in hearing from you 🙂


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie



Creating Long Term Wins Vs. Short Term Loss

Hello World,

Live for the moment, how many of you live by that? How many of you still “YOLO” because you are not allowed, it’s not 2011 anymore! Yes, you only live once but that does not mean live pay cheque by pay cheque. You always have to save a percentage of your income in order to “YOLO” in the future too, right?!

Now why do people live for the moment with no future planning? Social media and other forms of mediums influence them. They can’t save because they need to have the next trending thing in their closet, on their hair/face or their parking garage. Stupidest of all, they need to show off to someone else!

There was a study completed which stated, a large part of Kim Kardashian’s business wealth is because her audiences live for the moment. This is because when an average person sees that they cannot afford in investments with a long term return such as properties, they opt out to short term remedies which are makeup.

That’s a funny right? Well it’s true. You think you are buying a $60 dollar palate, or a $20 dollar lip gloss because it’s a must have. Your outlook says there is no need for saving for the investment which you can’t afford now. Live for the moment, right? However, that $20 dollars adds up over time in how much you invest in short term wins. Trust me it does!

You think I am crazy, because how will spending $20 dollars save you in owning something big as a property. Here is a story, when I was in my early 20’s, I had three jobs and full time schooling. Although, at that time most of my work experiences were in retail, it still turned out well because I was too exhausted to actually walk around to find items I can spend on. I worked too hard for my money to go to waste. Another, thing that motivated me is the idea of money piling up in my back account. I like numbers. At that time, it was probably a lot of mixed feelings/exhaustions but when I look back now it’s actually the best decision of my life.

At a young age, I could afford things people wait to achieve very late in their life. This is why, you need to save! You need to budget, and NOT focus on short term gains. Honestly, no one really cares if you have a Gucci Shoe or not. Do you know a MAC lip gloss is priced at $18 dollars and is bought from Color Pop make which sell the same colour for $6 dollars. These two brands are both making money so can you imagine what the product actual cost is then? You are making them money with your hard earned earnings.

Has it ever occurred to you by investing in something short term you are making the other person rich? Invest in yourself first! Yes, if your finances are straight then you may spoil yourself here and there but you need to keep an eye on your expenses and forecast the finances.

If you require assistance in managing finances and require a template, please feel free to reach out …

Thank you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie


The Psychology behind Collaborative Work

Hi World,

I have some time sorted out from my Masters of Business Administration and I want to focus today on your workspace and culture. Is your workspace culture Transformational or Transactional? And which one of these approaches does your personality fit into?

High power cultures usually follow a Transactional pattern which means structured processes and policies with little room for innovation. Where on the other hand, Transformational approach is more collaborative to motivate innovation. Now which one of these best matches the personality and culture of your workspace? The answer will depend on where you are located in the world and what cultural background you come from.

Next Generation…

On my earlier days I worked for several Financial Institutions. Work spaces as such are always filled with cubicles. The walls are painted dark ‘boring’ grey and that is because they want their employees to focus. You would find this layout till date in many Financial and Government offices. A) Because their approach is Transactional and, B) They don’t have the budget to revamp their workplace.

However, many consulting firms today have adopted a new interior for their workplace. These companies have found that to boost an employee’s creativity, innovation and productivity they have to add to that employees work space. Studies conducted on relationship building suggest that a space has a lot to do with how a relationship is formed versus the actual compatibility. Neighbours are considered better friends to some just because how close they live and their interaction every day. The concept is used when forming an open collaborative space.

Collaborative space

Interior of many offices today are like common café areas. But is that enough? Can a space be just copied from a Pinterest picture and be called a collaborative space? The answer is no! As a business you have to integrate workforce, core values, work processes and the cooperate culture. The business has to evaluate the employees together vs. alone time. Hence, there should be spaces for collaborative work, meetings, discussions and spaces where the employee can work alone. This is when audibility comes into play. There has to be places which are sound proof for employees to concentrate. Also, every corner of the space should depict and reflect the corporate culture, which psychologically keeps the employee motivated.

Many collaborative spaces have indoor pool tables, ps4, and other games for all employees to connect. This increases collaborative thinking and builds a bond between co-workers. Amusement builds the motivation of the productivity and so does food. Free food has been incorporated in many collaborative space as well. If you keep your employees happy, then they will put in more creative and innovative work towards the brand you represent.

So how Collaborative are you?

Thanks you,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie


Power Relationship – Tips of Networking

Hi World,

As you may know I am completing my Masters of Business Administration which has kept me quite busy in the past few days. I love to write my blog posts and assisting all of you with Business tips, Leadership skills, Communication techniques, Marketing methods, Relationship building, Understanding human behavior and just on miscellaneous topics that I find relevant.  However, my time management has been very poor lately. I have been managing both work, studies and home. Being said all that, I found some time to speak about networking! Due to the nature of my work I have been having to do a lot of networking lately and let me tell you whether you are a successful business owner or just starting your first job, networking is crucial!

Don’t be Shy!

Listen, I understand! I was that shy person! I had a negative perspective towards networking from the get-go. Going up to a stranger was quite intimidating for me. I felt like I was asking for a favor or being manipulative. Getting that favor would also mean that someone else helped me in achieving something hence I am not worth it. But remember that saying, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know—well its true! Soon after, I had to change that perspective because networking lands you opportunities.

Change your Perspective

It’s not that you are being an opportunist or you are strategizing your way up, but you are connecting with people who have different experiences in the field and from whom you can learn from. These people have already been there and done that and that’s an advantage because you can learn from their mistakes and apply the path they used.

Yes, it’s quite intimidating at first! However, if you read my earlier blogs then you know I always preach about practice and patience! Practice makes perfect. If you are shy then you have to start by practicing. Work on your networking techniques before applying it on strangers. But where do you start from? At home and friends!

Go out meet new people through your friends. Connect with old family members to whom you lost touch and don’t really speak with. Always know this number one rule, don’t jump the gun and ask for a favor. You have to be mindful of the conversation. You have to build a rapport. Networking is about relationship building. Strike up a conversation about random things and keep practicing it with different people. Let them know what you have been up to. Listen to their stories, become a good listener. If you are shy that’s your number one magic is the power of listening.

Make it personable

Remember you are trying to build a relationship therefore you have to make it personable. You have to make them feel comfortable. One way to make a person feel comfortable is by addressing the person by their name. Another simple way is by smiling. You become more friendly and approachable if you have your happy face on.


While networking you have to always think ‘people’ and not the position. You have to find out a way to help them. You have to show your generosity so that person remembers you as kind. Always think about how you can help that person.

Be prepared

Yes, it’s a preparation game. Some people are great at being spontaneous and networking but most us are not. Therefore you need to have your business card read. Also, important, have a 3 sentence elevator pitch ready! You have to also be ready for rejection, not everyone is open to networking and are friendly. After you have practiced a bit, you would want to eliminate and find your critical few. Critical few are the 20 or less contact that you would like to associate with to learn more. This is an elimination process you have to create by researching on who knows who (Linkedin). You have to create your visibility, show them you are credible by helping them.

Follow up

As I said, Networking is a relationship building process. You have to always follow up and take them out for coffee. You have to determine where you are in the relationship to ask to be introduced with that connection they are associated with, position or recommendation letter.

Happy Networking,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie


Increase your Conversion Rate for your Website

Hello World,

If you own a business then you exactly know what I mean when I say that you need to improve your conversion rate for greater Return on Investments (ROI). A conversion rate is the percentage of total visitors to visitors who perform desired actions. Hence, increase in conversion rate equals greater return on investments. Conversion rates are the key driving points of Marketing Campaigns. Yes, you want more subscribers, followers, viewers, and audience but you also what these people to do something, take an action and buy your product/services!

All about the looks…

In this case it is all about the looks! Seriously, if your website is not appealing you will lose sales. What is appealing to your audience? You need to keep on upgrading and experimenting with the fonts, color, and stylistic changes on your webpage to see what works. You have to keep on testing with new design possibilities to polish the website. Use high quality images, even Tinder and Bumble does these days! High quality adds to your website quality and the customer associate with product/service quality. Use headshots of happy people, humanize the experience on your website. Even better add a video! Video is considered to be the step before touching and feeling. Keep everything tunnel vision for the person reading your front and landing page. Simplicity is key, if there are too many options to choose from then the customer will get confused. We don’t want that!

Clarity on CTA…

Keep it simple and clear. Keep the options minimal and clearly list the benefits. It’s all about motivation. What will motivate your customers to buy your product/services in simple words? Then comes CTA! What do you want your audience to do? Don’t confuse them! Don’t let them think! Just tell them! Focus on your Call To Action. These buttons can really make or break your next sale. CTA can increase 27% of conversion rate. The way to do this is by adding Action words. There is a difference between, “Try it now” vs. “Get Started” Do you see it? Which one of those motivates you more? Why should I, the customer, click on your landing page hyperlink button? What is the motivation? Be clear on your CTA and tell your customers they can “Buy” or “Get Started”.

Segmentation and Behavior of Customers…  

No, not all your customers think the same. You have to make your website appeal to multiple personalities. A website has 4 types of visitors, competitive, spontaneous, methodical, humanistic. A paid site visitor will behave a different way than an organic visitor. A competitive visitors will check your prices. A spontaneous visitor will like to learn about your website. A methodical visitor will ask how does this product add value, or change something in their life. A humanistic visitor will look for a way to connect. Therefore, add a guarantee and ratings (the yellow 5 stars)! Also, use testimonials and reviews. Show them how many visitors, subscribers and followers love your product. Recommend related products and keep the visitors engaged. Also, if you can let the customers customize their own products! Adidas lets you customize shoes, that’s why you have Ultra Boost now! Make sure it’s easy to contact you. Use a Chat tool to tell them you are there with them on the website.

Conversion Tracking!

Google Analytics! Use a conversion tracker! Do it NOW! How do you know if you are doing great or worse if you don’t track your performance? Let me tell you, 97 % of marketing campaigns fail without tracking. It’s hard to track higher funnel marketing and social media, you don’t know how much sales you are getting from that platform. That means tracking everything, starting from phone calls, form submissions, sales, sign-ups, online chats, in-store visits.

Fear of Loss…

It’s not always easy with motivation that’s the reason you have to create fear of loss. How can you create a fear of loss if they don’t click on that button that will take them to the payment screen today? Let them know stock won’t last, “until stocks last”, or “for a limited time”

Make things easy!

We have 8 second attention span these days, lower than a gold fish! How can you keep me focused on the page and take my transaction as smoothly as possible? Trust me, no one wants to go through the process of registration to buy anymore. Let them buy as a guest! Registration should be optional but not required. If you have any forms that needs to be filed out, have a lot of optional fields. Don’t forget to offer various payment methods. And please, don’t charge for shipping, that’s your number one conversion killer. They will find the same item on Amazon and pay no shipping after a certain cost!

Thanks for reading,


Let’s connect!

Instagram: Dlaofficial_



Twitter @DilyPie




Intimidation equals Low Self Esteem

Hello World,

When was the last time you were at place where there was someone very intimidating? Someone who was over powering the room with their presence and confidence. But  have you ever self assessed why you were intimidated? Why your legs were shaking and you thought you can’t possibly approach them? Perhaps because you felt like you couldn’t speak to their knowledge. You don’t belong at the same space as them. They way look and carry themselves and the aura they bring overrides the surroundings. Maybe you thought they will judge your criticize you for your what you lack.

You Don’t Belong!

Yes you do! You are just insecure. When ever we walk into our bosses office we are insecure of their superiority. We are afraid of the police because they have authority and control. Have you ever thought of all the questions you would want to ask a celebrity whom you idolize? But I wonder if you would ever ask them if your idol was stuck in the same elevator together. Probably not, because they have a lot more than you such as, fame, money, confidence, and attitude. Did you ever attempt to tell your high school crush you liked them? Or maybe they were too cool to approach or you didn’t know if they would accept you.

Don’t Grant Permission…

I am sure you feel since you are the one insecure you are egoless and the other person is the one with the ego. But insecurity is tied to ego as well as arrogance. When you are with someone superior, you feel and look up to them in a certain way which diminishes your confidence. You give permission to be intimidated when they are clearly not. You have to realize, if you are in a room full of authorities, you are there because you belong. You earned it. You might not have the same credentials as them but you earned your spot.  You just need to work on your confidence and social skills. To build confidence and social skills you should get out of your comfort zone and start speaking to different people with different backgrounds and personalities. Confidence is always tagged with knowledge hence, read, read, read, write, write, write!

Know your Value…  

You don’t have to fit in! You don’t have to be someone else so they don’t judge you. Know your value. We usually start comparing ourselves with the one we are intimidated of. We start thinking of our short falls against their achievements. But you have value, you are just afraid of not receiving acceptance. When we get rejected, we feel low but why is that? Because we know we have Value!

Learn to be yourself, own your own experiences! Stop being afraid of being judged. Remember these intimidating people need to eat, sleep and breathe to survive just like you! They are not different from you. Stop thinking you don’t belong in the same space as them. Approach everyone with love and care. Fix your posture and stand tall!

Remember, you don’t have to give up your power by thinking you don’t have any!

